Okay, so you and your wife-to-be are engaged, and it's time to think about your wedding day. The two of you are probably dividing the jobs, coming up with a budget, and deciding on the details...and then, she says that she thinks you should hire a wedding planner.
A wedding planner? Is that really necessary? After all, why can't you do all of this yourself, or maybe ask some relatives or friends?
Though it can be tempting to believe that everything will just fall into place on its own, or that your friends are able and willing to help you with the details, you should understand that even the simplest wedding can be extremely complicated.
So grooms, let's take a look at a few advantages of wedding planners from your point of view:
1. Peace of mind, both before and during your wedding day. Planning a wedding is hard work, and the stress can take a toll on you and your bride. It seems like the details never end! A planner can help keep your bride calm, give her options, and help her out when she's feeling overwhelmed. That means peace at home and a happier fiancee'. And at the wedding itself, do you really want to watch your bride running from place to place, trying to get everything done? You want her at your side, enjoying the day with you, not stressing about the decorations and worrying about her vendors.
2. Reliability. Sure, you can ask Aunt Matilda to take care of the flowers and tell your sister to manage the vendors. But will they actually do it? Even if they really want to help, they are not professionals, and they will not be able to handle a crisis like a true wedding planner. Planners have seen everything, and they are ready for any problem that comes along. And don't you want your guests to enjoy themselves, anyway? Leave the work to the hired planner!
3. Discounts. Planners not only negotiate discounts with all of your other vendors, but they also know where to get the best items for the best prices. And you'll hardly get your money's worth from your DJ, florist, and photographer if you can't even enjoy them because you're too stressed out.
4. A tireless advocate. Say you do have a problem with one of your vendors, or you need someone to run out to your car for something, or you just need a glass of water. On your wedding day, the last thing you want to do is argue with people or run errands. That's why you have a planner! Planners are your personal assistants, and they work for you, not the catering hall or the hotel.
You only get one chance to have your dream wedding. Don't you owe it to yourself and your new bride to hire someone who can make it come true?
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