Monday, April 19, 2010

Day-of Coordinator = Fun Reception!

We saw a great article on The Knot a few days ago, so we thought we'd share it with everyone. It's called "10 Secrets to a Fun Wedding Reception." And guess what was the number one secret? That's right: hire a day-of coordinator! We couldn't have said it better ourselves! :)

There are also a lot of other awesome tips for making your wedding less stuffy and cookie-cutter. We especially like the idea of having a belly dancer do a short, surprise show in the middle of the reception - if anyone wants to do this, we have plenty of dancer recommendations!

1 comment:

zerry ht said...

Thanks a lot for sharing link here. I just loved that!! Well, now I have decided to hire a wedding coordinator who can take care of all arrangements for my wedding at lovely Seattle venues. Hope to find a reliable one soon.